About Us
Our Story
Fatal Factions stands for the improvement of a well-loved craft. As a lover of card and tabletop games, we strive to bring the two together and create a friendly experience that thrives in competition, cooperation and imagination - even if you are by yourself.
What makes Guild Wars different?
If you're already knee-deep in card or tabletop games, you are probably asking yourself "What makes these games so special?" Well, it's all in the build and the board.
Zone-based gameplay
You've played plenty of games with zones (I mean, who hasn't played Final Fantasy: Tactics or YuGiOh?) but nothing quite like this. Place your units on altars on unit zones and take advantage of their movement or their ​range to overwhelm the battlefield. Hop around on a board or set some cards face-down to give your opponent a surprise!
Unique card types: The Barrier and The Gamebreaker
Protect yourself against monster or unit onslaught with the Barrier, or change an entire keyword on the fly with a no-cost Gamebreaker in Fatal Factions: Guild Wars. Cards in other games allow you to blow some Heat to perform extra effects or combine to make very strong combinations with a series of Attacks and Blocks like you're in a fighting game!
​More choices, less restriction
Utilize mechanics like Enhancing which allows you to increase the power or targets of your card's abilities or stats - whether it's on the field or in your hand! Unless it adds to the fun, you won't find faction restrictions. Most games also have multiple modes. With a few of the games, you can even your own tabletop story filled with d20 rolls and personal stats, just build the lore as you please!
More strategy, less luck
​You won't find "land screw" in Guild Wars or be stuck with a hand full of bad cards. You may find mechanics like the Reshuffle token to shuffle a less-than-perfect card from your hand into your deck and draw a new card, or utilize your Arsenal to draw exactly the card you need to deal with a tough situation. You may even have multiple decks that you get to build your way to draw from to set your strategy. You may not even have a deck at all!
Not a card wasted
You're not going to find a card with no abilities here. Every card has at least one - if not several - keywords or archetypes that it was built for. Every card has also been built and balanced for all modes of play for that game - whether it's 1v1, PvE or 2v2!
Oh, and there won't be any set cycling here. There might be some balance adjustments, but all cards you have will always be legal.