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Writer's pictureBrandon Stevenson

Plans for Fatal Factions in 2024

Hello everyone, and welcome to a new year! I want to thank everyone that has been involved with and playing the Fatal Factions games this past year. I also want to express my excitement for things to come! We have quite a bit in store for the year!

Maybe it's the Project Manager in me, but I want to share what plans we have for Fatal Factions throughout the upcoming year to set the expectations for everyone that follows Fatal Factions.

Let's first talk about Fatal Factions: Guild Wars. In 2023, we had originally updated the frames for the core 4 guilds (Psionus, The Ajai, The Silence, The Ascendead) which increased the legibility of the text and the card's symbols. We had also done a 5th balancing calculation with some cards through Usability, which is a mixture of combo-ability and usefulness with other cards in its keyword/mechanic. The cards were as good as done, but we did notice that some cards just didn't hit as hard and weren't used very often when players started mixing guilds up, so that's when we decided to make a 5-point balancing system instead of leaving it at 4.

Cards like Psionic Adjudicator (shown left) only had the ability to deal 1 damage to a Crushed unit which limited their ability to work with other guilds or, more specifically, caster decks. With the 5th balance in place, the ability has been adjusted to allow more interaction options without sacrificing what made it great.

In 2024, we will be performing the same adjustments to all of the 33 guilds in this game (so just 29 more to go). Frames will be adjusted, some words will be smooshed (that's a word, right?) together to make the abilities more legible, and any cards that don't have enough bang for their buck will be getting power increases or complete changes to fit their keyword and combo-ability altogether. We're hoping to get rid of any simpler cards that just get +1/+1 for existing or something along those lines.

Aetherflame (previously Etherflame) is already almost done and undergoing testing, so updates to your favorite mage guild will be coming very soon. We're sure we can knock out all of the guilds this year, but please be patient as the updates roll through. We are going in guild order as the later guilds tend to have the most updated content. You may actually find the most changes happening to the first 12 guilds and fewer happening in the later guilds.

We will also be releasing another guild! The official 33 will stay the official 33, but the new guild will bring the custom guilds from 4 to 5 - 2 of which that've been created by yours truly. The new custom guild - much like The Vezsikt Network and a few other great custom guilds - will follow the default build rules of the official guilds and will not separate from the great gameplay you like from the main guilds. They will require 5 keywords and have the minimum legendary cards necessary

We also had released Fatal Factions: Tempo to the public during the last few weeks of 2023! To add to the list of games under Fatal Factions, we will be dual-releasing both Fatal Factions: Beatdown and Fatal Factions: The Great Divide. The games had been completed for a little while, but we'll finally release them on Tabletop Simulator soon. Like the other games, they will be considered in a finalized beta state, so their mechanics won't change any but the cards under both games are prone to balancing, expansion and having art added!

Beatdown will come with 2 decks: The Psychics and the Monks, while The Great Divide will come with decks for The Ademian Kingdom, The Northwalkers and the Eastenders. Once the games are released, we will watch how interest in the non-Guild Wars games works out. Based on the interest, we will be adding more fighters for Beatdown, more explorers for The Great Divide or more classes, actions and locations for Tempo if the players continue to love the games. So far, Tempo has garnered some more players than Guild Wars so some focus might be sent in that direction!

We hope that you're just as excited as we are for all the changes coming to Fatal Factions! We look forward to your continued input and love. Please tune in and enjoy!

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